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Hi everybody, welcome to our blog! I created this blog as a repository of information about our lives as we transition from DFW to Austin.
This is an attempt to keep everybody "in the loop" as it were, of things that are going on in our lives. Thank you for joining us on our journey.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

First Expedition Out

     This weekend has been a very busy one for us. Friday after work, Kent and I packed an overnight bag and headed South to Austin. The drive was a remarkable learning experience about the state of Highway 35 this side of 635. Recent weather has caused the road to severely deteriorate.
     As we played Frogger with every other car on the road, we educated ourselves on how potholes form. Living this far South, it's not something I had ever bothered to think about before Snowpocalypse  2015. Other than learning about potholes, we received a sound education as to the lemming-like state of mind of the other drivers on I35. I've never experienced so many people driving like they've just completed their last will and testament,  but I guess when your time is up you pack up your 4x4 and hit I35S.
     Luckily for us, we made it to our destination with no damage to our persons or Kent's car. After passing out and waking up again, we hit the town with a mission. Or at least, I did, and Kent valiantly put up with my turning my nose up at the hotel's continental breakfast. Instead, we went to The Round Rock Cafe and both ordered a breakfast sandwich on a fresh sourdough bun. Breakfast was really delicious, and anyone who knows us knows that we're big breakfast fans and like finding neat places to eat. If you're ever in Round Rock in the morning, try it out.
     In between bites, Kent and I planned our apartment hunting strategy. I have to say a big kudos to people who have been through selling one house and buying a new house at the same time. We decided we couldn't do it. It might have been manageable if we also weren't handling a job change over as well, if we were more familiar with the area, etc. etc.
     As it is, we decided that the best thing to do was locate temporary housing while we sold our home in DFW and learned more about the Austin area. I can't recall a more vigorous hunt for a place to live, but we were able to narrow our sites down to 4 locations that were suitable on a short term basis.
     Two Locations were within walking distance to Kent's new proposed job site. The other two were only 7 short minutes away from the proposed job site and within walking distance to a branch of the Austin Public Library.
     Our strategy was one of both "work" and "play", which I think won the day in the end. This move will bring us the furthest from our safety net that we've both ever been. It's a little intimidating and a little thrilling at the same time. After we were totally fed up with touring empty living spaces, we decided to find things that excited us about our impending move.  We hope you enjoy the following slideshow of our visit down. Thanks for reading! 

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