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Hi everybody, welcome to our blog! I created this blog as a repository of information about our lives as we transition from DFW to Austin.
This is an attempt to keep everybody "in the loop" as it were, of things that are going on in our lives. Thank you for joining us on our journey.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

"This House Is Clean"

Right now, our house is feeling well and truly exorcised.

Yesterday was my first experience in hiring a professional cleaning crew.  A team of about five ladies showed up and tackled the worst of the worst and in about an hour's time. That kind of speed is incredible, and my hat is off to them.

This week it's the "finishing touches"- little details that were not as important a goal than making sure the house was gutted, arranged and cleaned. Now I get to focus on the details of deep organization, gardening and showing off the house to the best of its ability.

Enjoy progress pics and a slide show here below. As a small warning, I've learned how to use the panorama feature on my phone.

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