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Hi everybody, welcome to our blog! I created this blog as a repository of information about our lives as we transition from DFW to Austin.
This is an attempt to keep everybody "in the loop" as it were, of things that are going on in our lives. Thank you for joining us on our journey.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Bye Bye Money

After we cleaned house, it was time to phone the realtor. He was honest with us and told us the things we needed to fix up around the home in order to have it sell easier. Luckily these were things I had already anticipated. They were things we were already planning on doing, if we had decided to stay in this house. Unhappily, it's all something that has to be fixed at once. Kent said it best, "Now we've learned. Now we know that repairs are not so hard to make so we should just go ahead and schedule them". I've said to a few people now that I could afford to take a very cozy vacation on the money we're putting into repairs on the house. The response is always "Well, at least you'll be getting it back." I'm trying to stay positive and believe this, but it's still pretty hard to see your savings go down on something that you can't really personally enjoy. Kent is 100% right, now we have learned. I would much rather spend money on repairs when I can enjoy the outcome to the fullest. But, that's the great thing about doing things in life, especially uncomfortable/new things. We learned so much buying this house. We've learned a lot living in it, and now that we're selling it, we're continuing to learn. That's it for now. Next post will feature more positive news.

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